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The Digital Shift

It is no secret that there has been a digital shift which was brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which introduced a seismic shift in our lives, changing the way we approach daily tasks and socialise. This digital shift was not limited to the younger generation, the elderly, who are often considered late adopters of technology, also were finding new digital ways to connect, communicate and stay safe during the pandemic. In this blog post, we will explore how COVID-19 created a digital shift for the elderly, the challenges they faced, and the potential benefits of this transformation.

Lady with red hair in grey cardigan holding her phone

The Digital Divide Narrowed

Before the pandemic, many seniors were hesitant to introduce a digital change into their lives. However, the need for social distancing and the closure of many in-person services created the opportunity for many to embrace the digital shift. As a result, more seniors than ever before became interested in smartphones, tablets, and computers to stay connected with their loved ones, access healthcare remotely, and shop online.

Virtual Communication Became Essential

With lockdowns and restrictions in place, virtual communication tools, such as Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime, became essential for maintaining connections. Elderly individuals who had previously been wary of video calls quickly learned to use these platforms, finding them invaluable for staying in touch with family and friends.

Telehealth for Seniors

Telehealth services experienced a big surge in demand when the pandemic hit, as it became riskier to go to the doctor's office. Many began to see the benefits of virtual medical appointments, which not only cut down on in-person visits but also let them talk to healthcare pros right from their homes.

Online Food Delivery

Many older adults introduced online shopping into their routine during the pandemic. For many ordering their food online and having it delivered misused the time they were outside and exposed to the virus. Many discovered that e-commerce platforms provided a convenient means to acquire their food shopping, medicines, and other vital goods from the comfort of their residences. This newly gained trust in online shopping has become a frequent habit for many even after the effects of the pandemic reduced.

The reality

While the pandemic brought about positive digital change, there were also negative aspects felt by seniors, which will be covered in more detail in the following blogs some of the main aspects are technological Barriers, while many adapted to digital technology, some encountered technical difficulties due to a lack of familiarity with devices and software. Which meant more guidance was needed to navigate the complexities of the digital world.


The COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly accelerated the digital shift among the elderly. While challenges remain, the benefits of this transformation are substantial. As many continue to embrace technology, the digital divide narrows. This shift has the potential to improve the overall quality of life for older adults and strengthen their connections with loved ones, even as the world slowly returns to normalcy.

  • Improved Access to Information: The elderly can access a wealth of information online, from news and research to entertainment and educational resources.

  • Enhanced Communication: Virtual communication tools help seniors maintain relationships with family and friends, reducing feelings of isolation.

  • Convenience and Safety: Online shopping and delivery services make it easier for seniors to shop for their food and other necessities without risking their health.

For more information about our stairlifts, find us here at or call our expert advisors on 0808 175 4400.

Homelife Stairlifts, Live Better Forever.

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